
Celebrating Gaia

Rosaleah has been celebrating solstices/equinoxes and new and full moons since 2000.


Our aim is to create a community and a sacred, loving, and safe space to share, celebrate, receive, and learn about the energetic changes that Gaia experiences during the solstices and equinoxes.

Our gatherings/celebrations offer you to participate in an ancestral ritual, you will play percussions, dance, sing in a group, meditate, and create something to take you on an energetic level during the group healing that Rosa Puerto always offers during the solstices or equinoxes; you will receive a personal message through the cards Stellar Seeds or Advance Light Formulas that Rosa Puerto has created to work as an internal compass and finally a concert through the sound of quartz bowls, gongs, Tibetan bowls, and voice.


When we celebrate new moons, we come together to heal and manifest the new, with each connection you receive healing and meditation that you can then repeat as you will have access to it.

When we celebrate an equinox or solstice online you receive sound therapy healing, plus participate in a group meditation, and therapeutic group work, and at the end, you can access it.

Come and experience a magical and unforgettable encounter, and bring a big smile and a desire to celebrate the arrival of this holiday with joy. With each equinox or solstice, we gather to tune in around the world at that time and offer together a prayer celebration to Gaia.

Come celebrate and share this sacred moment in the company of others who like you feel the need to join Gaia's cycles.



Please Note: These celebrations will only occur if there is a minimum group of 10 people to participate in the event in English. If not they will be in Spanish. 

What does each change of season mean?

The spring equinox symbolises rebirth after the winter, the movement of spring is upward and outward, it is the beginning of the life cycle and we begin to move our energy. Here we invite you to move your energy, to expand and make visible what has been brewing during these last winter months.

The summer solstice is a festival that celebrates the pleasure and joy of life and the abundance of nature. It marks the exact halfway point of the Celtic summer.

With autumn and its equinox, we celebrate a time of perfect balance, when light and dark, day and night are equal. The dance of autumn is one of change and liberation. And amidst all the colours, whirlwinds, and movements, we marvel at the sudden silences......... though our journey is an inner journey, a season to accumulate our supply of feelings.

The winter solstice has a facet of recollection and quiet, healing magic, of nurturing our inner selves, so that we emerge, revitalised in spring. It is as if we long to hibernate, to gestate within us ideas that in spring will see the Light.


our clients say

Verónica – Valencia

The music of the bowls is so subtle, so etheric, I felt like I was floating in the cosmos, their sound took me to a restorative place inside me, thank you.

Maite – Murcia

So much joy, movement, and creativity. I had such a great time drumming and then playing the singing bowls, welcoming spring in a group is a fun, profound and different experience. Thank you.

Pablo – Argentina

Rosa nos propone una forma distinta de festejar los solsticios y equinoccios. Canalizando con su bella voz y acompañada con los cuencos de cuarzo nos transporta a un entorno reparador y armónico. Nos conecta con la fuente. Ofrece un espacio de luz para estos momentos de cambio. Hermosa experiencia.Rosa proposes a different way of celebrating the solstices and equinoxes. Channelling with her beautiful voice and accompanied by quartz bowls, she transports us to a restorative and harmonious environment. She connects us with the source. She offers a space of light for these moments of change. A beautiful experience.

Marisa – Tarrasa

The summer solistice has helped me to have a connection with the fire, an approach to my power animal, an opening to welcome the summer, the new, the adventures, new experiences, new stages… and to say goodbye to what is no longer useful, to what is outdated.

Carmen – Barcelona

Celebration of the change of seasons that brings me inner renewal each time, a ritual to let go, to let go of the old and open myself to the new that life brings me at every moment.